3 days later and hundreds of pages readed i understood. 4.5 from the windowsupdate did not help either. 3.5 standalone did quit without saying nothing. I deleted 3.5 and programs said: point the registry key to the framework folder. NET Framework, Outsourcing ASP.This answer was the beginning of solving my problem. Posted in Enterprise Technologies Tagged ASP.NET Development Specialists, Microsoft.

Write to us if you have queries regarding the same. We are a full force team of ASP.NET Development Specialists who are enabling many businesses with solution using. If you have any feedback to give, then please send in your feedback to mailto: are many Freelance ASP.NET Developers across the globe and thus there is a constant need that arises among them. Try out this amazing tool’s setup and make sure your deployment quality is improved. This tool acts like the backbone for the Microsoft. NET Framework is one of those frameworks that can enhance the overall experience of development and deployment of projects. It can be used to automate the process of running the tool for applying fixes, collecting logs, repairing specific version, etc. In Quiet/ Passive Mode using command line switches.In full UI mode – The wizard will guide you through the various steps for scanning and fixing issues.NET Framework Repair Tool can be run in two ways: You can obtain the tool from the official website – Microsoft Download Center here is your direct link: How to Use. This tool will fix the frequently occurring issues with the setup of Microsoft. It helps in detecting and fixing few causes of install failures. NET Framework Repair Tool comes to your rescue. NET Framework or its updates and these issues cannot be fixed from within the setup. There are times when issues are encountered during deployment with the. This version of the tool adds support for.

This version encompasses for all versions of the. NET team has constantly worked towards improving the deployment experience with. NET developers can now test and develop with Microsoft’s latest version of Repair Tool. NET platform announced the new version of.